Letter of Application

The University of British Columbia, 
2205 Lower Mall,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

September 18th, 2020

To Whom it May Concern: 

Please consider my application for The University of British Columbia’s, ENGL 301A, Professional Writing Team. I will graduate from the University of British Columbia in April of 2021 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies- Behavioral Marketing and Sales. My English Professor, Erika Paterson, held this position in high regard and encouraged me to apply.

I grew up in Walnut Creek California and attended an all-boys school called De La Salle. While at De La Salle, I was a leader for their Student Coalition on Respectful Education (SCORE) program and a Peer Mentor. Within these positions one of my many responsibilities was to provide in-person assistance, in writing-based classes, to my peers. 

I’ve been involved on campus as a student athlete in UBC’s rugby program and am currently an active member in the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, where I act as the Vice President and continually work to develop my social, leadership, and written skills. 

Most recently, I completed a Sales Development Internship at DocuSign in San Francisco. In my position, I wrote hundreds of emails, worked towards a quota, and learned how to write and operate within a professional setting. Before I began my internship at DocuSign I worked in Marketing at NBC Sports Bay Area and California. I primarily worked to engage individuals, through written content, from setup through activation, within our marketing events and promotions. Last summer, I was a Campus Ambassador for Guayaki Sustainable Rainforest Products, Inc. My goal was to distribute products and educate the consumer on its efforts towards sustainable work environments and forest regeneration. I wrote applications to be approved for every marketing event.

I have worked extremely hard to hone in on my professionalism, technical writing abilities, and organization. My education and experience, to date, will allow me to be a successful member of UBC’s 301A Professional Writing Team. 

Should my background meet your requirements, please email me at: evanfruiz@gmail.com or call me at (925) 285-0366. 

Warm regards, 

Evan Ruiz

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