Self Reflection 

As the term is coming to end, I can proudly say that I have much more confidence in my technical writing and communication skills.

Prior to the start of the course I had many concerns about its structure and or format. Would I find success in a web-oriented course? Would this course be applicable to my interests and goals? Would I enjoy it? What i’ve found, however, was that I was asking the wrong questions. While I was focusing on what could go wrong with the course, I should have focused on its value. I’ve learned general writing skills that are not only applicable to my interest in business, but that are applicable in life.

One thing I enjoyed most about the course was being paired in a term-long writing team (The Fourth Pair of Eyes). Working in a group with my peers, we were able to offer support, advice, and feedback on each other’s work. This, not only, pushed me to better my writing skills, but also, allowed me to examine and critique the works of others. One challenge I found within the course was organization. Using UBC blogs was, at times, difficult. As it was a platform that I’ve had minimal experience with, it took some time to get used to looking up assignments, finding instructions, and posting the correct material. I was, however, able to overcome this challenge and, as a result, have improved my organization skills and technical literacy.

I’ve really enjoyed this course. In fact, I think that it’s been one of the most useful courses that I’ve taken. I look forward to building upon the lessons and skills that I learned here, and applying them in my future endeavors.