Unit 1 Reflection

Myself, along with the students in ENGL 301 99A, just completed Unit 1! About one month ago I was new to this class, the organizational and work style, and the resources used within the course. It feels great to have gotten some traction, and to have built momentum within the course. Outside of starting my blog, I had the opportunity to be introduced to other writers within the class! Now a member of the “Fourth Pair of Eyes” I’ve worked to complete many interesting assignments, and have become a better writer in the process. Here’s some of the things that I completed and learned in Unit 1: Assignment 1.3 – Writing Three Definitions


Taking a passion of mine, psychology, and applying it to this course was a great experience. I worked to define the term “scaffolding”, which refers to the socio-cultural technique used as a reference for “teachers” to help “learners”, by adjusting the level of support that they provide. While based in psychology, I feel as though the breadths of this term apply to a much greater audience. Outside of providing new strategies for adolescents to develop, it provides insight for teenagers and adults alike. Learning is a process that continues throughout one’s life; and far too often we find ourselves in a system that supports a singular style of teaching. As we are all learners, in any given capacity, it is important to know and try different and unique ways to do so. You can find more about this term, and my assignment, here:

Peer review: 

Following the submission of my definitions assignment, our team suggested that I review Rodrigo’s term, “Theory of Change.” I enjoyed seeing how another writer, and teammate, worked through the assignment; their term, process, and style of writing. Moreover, I enjoyed being able to provide Rodrigo with “suggestions” for how he might improve his already wonderful assignment. I understand that it might be “awkward” at times to provide feedback towards other writers. However, I believe that providing constructive feedback makes me better, as does receiving feedback. Through this review process, it was great to reflect back on how I might have re-structured, or improved my own assignment.

Editing Process: 

Amina, another member within my writing team, took the time to review my definitions on “scaffolding.” It’s clear that she took the time to make well thought out, clear, and helpful suggestions to my work. Amina pointed out mistakes that I, simply, had not noticed in my assignment. Moreover, she made high-level suggestions on how I could, holistically, improve some of my sections. Outside of making my assignment better, I found this insight extremely beneficial, as I can take these suggestions and apply them into my next work. I have attached my revised assignment, with Amina’s revisions, here: Assignment 1.3 – Writing Three Definitions

I learned a lot about my writing techniques, and style, in Unit 1. Look forward to continuing this process with the start of Unit 2!


Evan Ruiz