Unit 2 Reflection

Myself, along with the students in ENGL 301 99A, just completed Unit 2! In unit 2, I worked to improve my online, professional, presence through LinkedIn. Moreover, I developed the outline of my formal report and worked closely with my peers to edit and refine out work

LinkedIn Profile 

As an individual who is working towards a career in sales and marketing, I recognize the importance of maintaining a strong, online, social presence. With this goal in mind, I created my LinkedIn profile more than two years ago. Through this assignment, however, I received formalized and personalized insight into what sections I could add, what sections I could remove and, ultimately, how I could improve my profile. The tips that I received from my teammate, Mitchell, stood out to me. To be specific, he suggested that I work to increase my endorsed skills and create a “volunteer experience” section. The LinkedIn Profile Assignment has improved my profile, and provided me with new insight on what steps I can take in the future to maintain it.

Formal Report Proposal 

Initially, I had a lot of difficulty in determining the scope of my report. I began by considering the negative consequences of remote work and the lack of physical activity that might be associated with it. Ultimately, however, I decided to write my report on how intermittent physical activity could improve the overall mental and physical wellbeing of remote-education students. At this point, I’m extremely happy with the outline of my report. I feel as though my topic is specific, yet broad enough to apply a lot of information. Moreover, the organization I am working with will allow me to effectively implement “my proposed solution” to a representative sample of students. While I feel as though my report is on track, and progressing well, I do have some concerns about the length. Understanding that the report can be up to 15 pages, I want to ensure I can fill it with as much relevant and informative information as possible. As I continue to work on my report, I’ll be sure to take specific notes on details, research, and data.

Peer Review

To put it simply, I think that the peer review process has been extremely effective. Receiving constructive feedback from my teammates or more broadly, my peers, has allowed me to correct the errors in my work, and obtain new/ creative ideas on how I can proceed with my assignments. Moreover, giving constructive feedback has allowed me to reflect on my own work, and practice my writing/ editing skills. To be specific, I tend to over complicate some sentences with unnecessary words, so I’ve been working on being more clear and concise with my writing . Ultimately, this process makes me a better writer and has allowed me to more effectively critique and examine my own work.

I look forward to the start of Unit 3!

Revised Research Proposal

Peer Review of Original Proposal