WebFolio Reflection 

The Web Folio is the final assignment of the term for students in ENGL 301. The assignment asks us to take the work that we have completed throughout the term, and format in a way that is applicable to us. In this sense, it can be referenced when attempting to get into grad school, start your career, etc.

I anticipated the Web Folio assignment to be simple and straightforward. More specifically, I expected that I would have to re-arrange, copy/ paste, and make my ENGL 301 blog look more “complete.” In this regard, however, I was wrong. In order to complete the Web Folio assignment, I had to analyze the purpose behind each assignment. By asking myself what I learned and how it can be applied, I was able to group assignments together in a way that achieved a purpose applicable to me. In this sense, I attempted to frame my work through the lens of career development. More specifically, I emphasized my resume, LinkedIn profile, Job Application Pack and the value behind technical writing in business.

This assignment, while difficult to complete, was extremely rewarding. It prompted me to go back and examine my progress throughout the term. More so, it offered a platform in which students of ENGL 301 can re-examine their work in the future.