The End of the Apple Era?

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When the world heard that co-founder and CEO of Apple had passed away on Wednesday, people everywhere mourned the loss of one of the greatest innovators in history. However, The Voice of America reports that many analysts worry that without the creative marketing genius of Steve Jobs, the company will degenerate in the long term. In the mobile electronic market, there are many advancing companies, such as Samsung and Nokia, who are eager to defeat the iPhone and have been closely competing at the both the high and low ends. As well, PC has always had dominant popularity compared to Macintosh in the computer market; however, until competitors such as Sony and Acer develop more physically appealing models and sell at cheaper prices, Macintosh sales should remain steady in the short-term, as many of their high-end consumers are enticed by its superior appearance. This is supported by the fact that market shares have remained relatively stable, showing investor confidence in the company’s future. While Jobs had brought Apple out of near bankruptcy in the early 90’s, we must wonder whether that the corporation can now survive without the man who embodied its revolutionary products.

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