Archive for November, 2010

Jay-Z & Cristal: Giving Up Control

Friday, November 26th, 2010

We’ve talked quite a bit this term about giving up control of your brand.  Brandchannel has an interesting article about Jay-Z, Cristal and brand control.  You may know about the famous feud between the CEO of Cristal and Jay Z.  The CEO of Cristal was asked about his thoughts on how Cristal had been lifted […]

Elf Yourself: Still funny 5 years later

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Elf Yourself by Officemax is into its 6th year.  378 million people in 50 countries, still get a kick (groan), like me, of seeing themsELVES and their kids dance around in an elf suit.  My girls and I have been spinning and poppin’ and lockin’ for a couple of hours now and I still think […]

Creativity: Do Schools Kill It?

Friday, November 5th, 2010

We’ve been doing some fun stuff in my classes this term around creativity, trying to open up the mind channel for innovative inspiration before we dive into the hard work of case discussions.  I think it’s been a fun way to start class and it’s reconnected many of the students in a small way each […]

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