(RED) or Dead

by ewilliamson ~ December 1st, 2010. Filed under: viral marketing.

Had a great discussion yesterday about the launch of product (RED), forcing us to think back to 4 years ago when this brand and business/charitable model were a whole new concept for raising money for a cause.  Look what showed up today:  YouTube Preview Image

In this campaign, to support World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, digitally savvy celebs have stopped posting on Facebook and Tweeting until $1,000,000 is raised.  The campaign, called Digital Death, encourages consumers to buy back these celebs digital lives by texting to Buylife.org.  There was so much traffic that the website went down.

There were many other prongs to the campaign too:  (RED) products are available year round from Nike, GAP, Starbucks and Armani.

Starbucks has an exceptionally cool advent calendar (okay, who doesn’t love those), with a World AIDS Day contribution of $.05 for every view of a new Killers video.  Great.  Innovative.

Frequent use.  Small, regular payments.  All of the things that we talked about that (RED) was trying to do following the initial launch of the campaign:  keep you coming back.  Keep up that Customer Lifetime Value.

Today’s the day:  World AIDS Day.  Get yourself to a Starbucks today.  5 cents from every drink goes to fight AIDS in Africa.

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