Targeting Canada

by ewilliamson ~ January 14th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Hurray, Target is coming to Canada. Target recently bought 220 Zellers stores and will open in Canada in 2013.

Does Canada need another discount retailer? How well will Tar-jay do when they get here? Is there so much pent up demand for this American retailer, especially from those of us who live close enough to make frequent cross border trips, that Target will annihilate existing Canadian low priced retailers like the Real Canadian Superstore and fellow American Walmart? Unlikely, but there will be a big spike in sales and the competition better be ready as Target is slick and smart. And we are keen to have them here.

But why does Target think they can make a go of it in Canada? Interesting question because American retail has been hit hard, although is starting to bounce back. Canadian retail has been hit less hard and there is less competition in Canadian retail than U.S., making the market opportunity better for entry by Target. Good news for Target.

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