School Pays

by ewilliamson ~ May 29th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

No surprise here.  Canadian employers like a post-secondary education on the resume. From 1990 to 2010, the number of jobs filled by candidates with post-secondary education more than doubled from 1.9 million to 4.1 million.  BMO Bank of Montreal (consistent with Stats Can) released a report today confirming what those of us toiling away on papers, blogs assignment and case briefs know:  70% of Canadian businesses look for post-secondary education when hiring and 40% prefer specialized training within that context.  Somewhat unsurprisingly, the survey concluded that new hires required quite a bit of on-the-job training – only 25% came with basic foundational skills.  What can we conclude from this?  University training helps you get in the door with an employer and trains you how to approach problems, how to think, how to work but you’re still going to need significant training and experience when you start work.  Also, stay in school!  Switching majors to become a professional gambler probably isn’t a good long term strategy.

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