Archive for April, 2013

LEARN to disconnect from your phone…

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

As an institution of higher learning, we’re all about learning, except when we’re constantly interrupted by our cell phones.  Distracted in class, distracted during homework time, during group meetings (whether its our own phone or someone else’s), interrupted when we’re studying at Starbucks…is it really making us smarter or sicker 🙁 Turns out that disconnecting […]

The Walls Have Eyes – Environmental Graffiti

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

  While not exactly marketing, these photos are completely inspiring. I love how artists have creatively recycled abandoned and unused spaces to encourage communities to reuse the space or look at the space differently. While there may not be active purchase consumption happening here, we can consider this effective sustainable marketing in terms of the […]

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