LEARN to disconnect from your phone…

by ewilliamson ~ April 2nd, 2013. Filed under: Uncategorized.

As an institution of higher learning, we’re all about learning, except when we’re constantly interrupted by our cell phones.  Distracted in class, distracted during homework time, during group meetings (whether its our own phone or someone else’s), interrupted when we’re studying at Starbucks…is it really making us smarter or sicker 🙁

Turns out that disconnecting from our phones improves our learning and our hearts.  According to a new research study conducted by The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, learning skills cultivate warmer interpersonal relationships and make you feel more socially connected,  upbeat AND have a healthy body.  The study found that lack of social contact diminishes people.  Okay, so we kind of know this already.  But why don’t we put down our phones and just do it?  Friendship is like exercise.  Once you put down your phone and ‘do it or lose it’, things will pick up.

So if you’ve been texting too much, just stop.  Put down the phone and talk to the people in your team.  Meet your friends instead of texting your friends.  Smile at people and say hello instead of reaching for the phone. You’ll build everyone’s capacity for social encounters, including your own health.

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