Molson Travelling Beer Fridge

by ewilliamson ~ February 15th, 2014. Filed under: Uncategorized.

The Molson Beer Fridge campaign that launched in the summer was the most viral campaign of 2013 until the Westjet Christmas campaign.
The recent follow on campaign of the Molson Beer Fridge shows the fridge travelling to a remote island in the Phillipines along with a flat screen tv so friends can watch the Olympics:

YouTube Preview Image

Both of these are great examples of  the NARRATIVE technique in marketing communications that we’ve been talking about in class, hooking viewers in with a story.

Both campaigns also have gone viral.  These ads follow on our discussion also of the importance of ads being shared online after they play on tv.  The Travelling Fridge is 3 minutes (!!) an exceptionally long and $$ tv ad.

For a more detailed conversation about the campaigns, here’s a good review:

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