Creativity: Do Schools Kill It?

by ewilliamson ~ November 5th, 2010. Filed under: Creativity.
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We’ve been doing some fun stuff in my classes this term around creativity, trying to open up the mind channel for innovative inspiration before we dive into the hard work of case discussions.  I think it’s been a fun way to start class and it’s reconnected many of the students in a small way each day to why they came to marketing in the first place:  because they like to create, because they were inspired to be inventive, original and leading edge in their thinking.

Sir Ken Robinson has some interesting thoughts on how schools are killing creativity and why creativity is critical to our society.  This jibes nicely with one of my favourite books:  A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink.  Pink puts forward the idea that we will rely less on left brain jobs in the 21st century as these jobs increasingly become outsourced and automated (yes, even lawyering and accounting work) and consider the importance of being in touch with our right brains, teaching right brain skills like creativity and empathy.

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