Decade’s Best Digital Ad Campaigns

by ewilliamson ~ December 5th, 2010. Filed under: Digital media.

There will be lots of decade-best lists coming out now (depending on when you think the decade ended!)  There has been a lot written about where advertising is, and isn’t, going in the future.  These campaigns will give you something to think about.  I remember when I started using the Subservient Chicken (Burger King’s out there digital ad) to explain how social marketing campaigns could work, to the tune of 380 million people!  Interestingly, the Subservient Chicken, even though is 6 years old, took top spot.

Here are some of the top campaigns.  We’ve talked about many of these:

1. ‘The Hire’ – BMW’s 2001 series of short films directed & starring well known actors and directors.  This was an internet-only campaign designed to increase brand awareness amongst a younger target market

2. Dove Evolution – of course

3. Uniqlo’s Uniglock – Uniqlo, the cool Japanese apparel company that is taking over N. America, created the Uniqlock using pix of young, Japanese women show the time.  Time to call it a success:, received 68 million views.

4. IKEA’s Dream Kitchens – this gave users the ability to avoid the crazy lineups and explore 3D kitchens.  Missed the $1.99 breakfast though.

5. Livestrong’s Chalkbot – this robot wrote chalk messages, as directed by users, along the 2010 Tour de France route

For your entertainment, I’ve put The Chicken back up.  Click on the picture to get the link.  Just remember, there’s a limit to what he’ll do.

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