Bus 101 Winds Up

by ewilliamson ~ December 2nd, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

It was an exciting term in Bus 101 with 600 Sauder 1st year students in 4 sections having an opportunity to see all aspects of Commerce integrated.  Paul Cubbon, Jeff Kroeker, Rob Jackes and I taught this highly engaging, active course together.  Paul designed the course and he and Jeff ran it as a pilot last spring.  The students had no texts or exams.  Every class’ preparation was delivered via the website, with students prepping Harvard Business School or newspaper articles.  In each 125 student class, we clicked and tweeted.  The intention  was to give the new Commerce entrants a ‘once over lightly’ of all the different aspects of Commerce, showing them the tension and integration between topics.  How do marketing decisions affect human resources management?  Does sustainability have a role in finance?

The Bus 101 students learned  a lot about Commerce in their first term at b-school and got comfortable with a host of real world business tools like Twitter, clickers, blogs and business plans. Take a look at what UBC Public Affairs has to say.

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