Pop Up Retail

by ewilliamson ~ October 23rd, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Pop up retailers are here for a good time, not a long time.  You’ve probably seen them:  stores that you notice just over the holiday period, for example, that weren’t there in the fall and, when you walk by the same spot in February, that store will be gone.  This is the idea of hot trend called pop up retail:  retailers set up shop for short period and then disband when they’ve sold out.  Big brands like Nike, Gap, even Gucci have tried it.

Pop up retail gives retailers a chance to test products in new markets and to build their brand recognition amongst consumers.  It lets small, local retailers take advantage of lower, short term lease opportunities on retail space without committing to large inventories.

An interesting local example is The Latest Scoop often showing up on S. Granville and in Kitsilano.

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