Twitter Marketing Basics

by ewilliamson ~ January 8th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Comm 296 started off with 200 students signing up for Twitter accounts.  We’re using Twitter in the classroom so I thought it’d be useful to go over some Twitter basics.

Twitter has two main components:  a social networking aspect, like Facebook, where people follow you and your follow them AND a messaging capability where you send out 140 character Tweets.

The social networking part of Twitter lets you send out updates to your followers and you can receive their updates.  This works well whether you’re using Twitter for personal stuff, like telling people your opinions or what’s going on in your life, or for marketing purposes like driving traffic to your blog or website.  Twitter has been called a microblogging platform because of its message limitation of 140 characters.  This forces you to keep your messages brief.  The fun of Twitter lies here, in that you have to think creatively in terms of engaging your audience but still getting your point across.

Twitter and Marketing

Twitter posts can be used to support a firm’s social media marketing activities in several ways:

1. by driving traffic to the firm’s (or your personal) website or blog.  You can remind your followers about your product or website and encourage them to revisit your website.

2. to connect with your readership & customers.  Twitter is a more conversational online medium than blogs or websites.  You can have more dialogue with your followers and hopefully engage them more with your brand.

3. to build your brand.  You can your online persona using Twitter more fully by sending out tweets that are unique and reflect what you want your brand personality to be.  Your intention should be to get people to connect with your brand and to make yourself unique in your niche.  By being interesting and engaging, you’ll drive traffic to your website or blog.

4. to research your customers.  Twitter offers you an opportunity to spy on your target market’s interests and to ask them questions about their needs.

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