M&M’s in Outer Space

by ewilliamson ~ February 15th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

In the name of full disclosure, M&Ms are my favourite candy. It’s lousy chocolate. The French laugh at how awful it is. When Mars introduced M&Ms the chocolate taste was something that consumers had to get used to. M&Ms are designed to be ‘more-ish’. You can’t stop at just one.

M&M’s has fought hard to keep this brand relevant for the last 20 years. It’s an old brand that has worked to keep consumers interested in various unique ways but the key to this brand is that it’s remained simple. The brand is iconic so Mars doesn’t fool around with it too much. New colours, yes. New flavours? Okay, some minor variations in the last few years but quickly pulled off the market when they don’t work. Brand personality: pretty much the same. Those two guys with the gloves and big feet.

M&M’s does have a fun new cross website campaign going though, to engage the Facebook, online generation (pretty much all of us.  Is it kitschy?  Yes.  Do you get kind of caught up in shooting M&Ms at the ads?  Yes?  Are you engaging with the brand?  Yes.  Hmmm….good hit (haha) with this one, Mars.  YouTube Preview Image

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