Use the Force For Good

by ewilliamson ~ September 18th, 2011. Filed under: advertising, Creativity, viral marketing.

How many Star Wars classic lines can you recite?  Can you do the actions too?  To celebrate the release of Star Wars:  The Complete Saga on Blu-Ray, Lucasfilms has joined with Stand up to Cancer, the non-profit group that uses an innovative model that it calls ‘dream teams’ comprised of scientists,and other specialists  to tackle a  cancer problem. The campaign is aptly called “Use the Force for Good“.

Celebrities like Emma Stone, Seth Rogen, Andy Samberg, Jaime King and even Star Wars alum Samuel L Jackson are part of the campaign.  This ‘dream team’ acts out their favourite Star Wars lines and scenes, showing us that their goofiness is indeed our goofiness too.  And it’s okay to be in love with this iconic a brand.  They then leverage the Star Wars brand message to raise awareness (and donations) for cancer research.

Enjoy the video.  Which scene do you play the most often 🙂

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