Reading List

I love reading about Marketing and devour a new book or so every month.  I also refer to my old favourites regularly, along with a variety of websites and articles.  Here are a list of my top 10 Must Read Marketing books, along with a list of additional Great Reads.

Elaine’s Top 10 Marketing Must Reads

Why We Buy – Paco UnderhillSuper interesting study of consumer culture  in many different retail channels.  You’ll be forever changed when you enter a store.

Building Strong Brands – J. Aker – Gotta have this one in your library.  It’s a classic.

Made to Stick – C. & D. Heath – Lots of great stories and examples about why some businesses ‘stick’ and some don’t. The authors give practical suggestions on how to communicate your ideas to make the unforgettable.

The Purple Cow – Seth Godin – Godin says that the way to transform your business is to stand out: be a purple cow in a field of brown and white ones.  He gives lots of great examples and short case studies.  This is a quick read and one I refer to often.

The Emperors of Chocolate – J. G. Brenner – A fascinating look inside one of the most intense corporate rivalries that we never hear about:  Hershey’s vs. Mars.  This is a great study of how the two companies are always aware of what the other is doing.  Love the chocolate stories.

A Whole New Mind – Daniel Pink – Pink talks about how right brainers (not left brainers) are the future of business.  He gives lots of great exercises and examples to work on to engage your right brain and get your creative juices flowing.  His idea is that economic dependence on  left brain workers will be replaced by abundance (many choices), outsourcing (Asia) and automation (robots, technology).

Positioning:  The Battle for Your Mind – Ries and Trout – This one is a classic on positioning and has been around forever.  These guys invented positioning and have changed the way people advertise. There are lots of examples about communication campaigns that worked.

Blink:  The Power of Thinking Without Thinking – M. Gladwell

The Tipping Point – M. Gladwell

Also Great Reads…

The Call of the Mall – Paco Underhill

Different – Youngme Moon – see blog post

The Creative Process – Twyla Tharp – one of my favourites for inspiring you creatively

Orbiting the Giant Hairball – G. McKenzie – Perhaps the craziest, coolest book on the list (next to Twyla).  This is from the former CEO of Hallmark Cards who self- published this half journal, half guide to life on not getting stuck inside the hairball of corporate life but orbiting it.

Good to Great:  Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t – J. Collins

The Monk and the Riddle – R. Komisar – This is a parable about a guy from Silicon Valley who is now an advisor to a someone starting a business.  He passes on some great life lessons about why you should be in business.

Where the Suckers Moon:  The Life and Death of an Ad Campaign – R. Rothenberg

Ogilvy on Advertising – D. Ogilvy

Getting Things Done – D. Allen – Not a marketing book but I heard this guy speak a few years ago about his method and it changed my life.

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