Archive for the 'Creativity' Category

Use the Force For Good

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

How many Star Wars classic lines can you recite?  Can you do the actions too?  To celebrate the release of Star Wars:  The Complete Saga on Blu-Ray, Lucasfilms has joined with Stand up to Cancer, the non-profit group that uses an innovative model that it calls ‘dream teams’ comprised of scientists,and other specialists  to tackle […]

The World’s Most Innovative Companies

Saturday, February 19th, 2011

FastCompany just published its list of the 50 most innovative companies, 2011. Guess who’s 1st?  Yep, Apple.  2nd?  Bit of a suprise.  Twitter.  3rd?  Facebook.  Interesting, super interesting, that two of the top three are social media companies and the top one is driving a lot of today’s technology.  Groupon, Google, Netflix and Zynga (Farmville […]

Creativity: Do Schools Kill It?

Friday, November 5th, 2010

We’ve been doing some fun stuff in my classes this term around creativity, trying to open up the mind channel for innovative inspiration before we dive into the hard work of case discussions.  I think it’s been a fun way to start class and it’s reconnected many of the students in a small way each […]

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