
DSC00742_2I’m Elaine and my goal is to empower you to learn and love Marketing as much as I do.  It’s a fabulous career that has offered me opportunity in so many different ways.  I’ve been living and breathing Marketing my whole life.  Working with clients and students, developing business solutions, creating marketing campaigns and communicating my enthusiasm in the classroom is my passion.  I even get excited just seeing new commercials on tv!  For me, marketing is a way to connect with the world and become enriched by our global community of commerce and cultures.  Sure, it’s about persuading people to buy stuff, but it’s not really just more stuff.  People persuade people to buy causes, to buy less, to come to places, to think harder about their consumption…

I am a teacher, an author, an entrepreneur, a volunteer, a wife and mother of four daughters.

I founded my consulting company 14 years ago.

My motive is to provide tools and support to students and professionals engaging in career development, be it in Marketing or at a transitional time in their life.

Connect.  Create.  Inspire.

Contact me at elaine.williamson@sauder.ubc.ca.
Elaine Williamson on LinkedIn, the Sauder Marketing Division page or my Google Profile.

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