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Monthly Archives: October 2017

Hilarious.  Business ideas, but no funding………LOL (Loads of Luck and lumbering.)

I have taken the reference of a blog posted by Bplan blogs on the topic – 5 Steps for Entrepreneurs with an Idea, but No Funding.

Deen, A. (2017, October 25). 5 Steps for Entrepreneurs with an Idea, but No Funding – Bplans Blog. Retrieved from

In today’s world, a business idea without funding is like an iclicker without the access code. One answers everything right with it but does not have the smallest hint that the iclicker is neither adding up to one’s attendance nor improving ones iclicker grades. Yes, this era considers funding as the most important aspect for a startup and an idea without funding is a prey for criticizers which ends becoming a laughing stock. However, Bplans blogs have posted an article of topic – “5 steps for entrepreneurs with an idea, but no funding” which I would be analyzing and delivering my views and opinion on them.


  1. Find a mentor and ask for advice.

Bplan’s first step is hunting for a mentor and getting advice and suggestion on one’s ideas. Though a mentor can be very beneficial and an added value to the development of an idea into a business but in this situation of no funding it is very vague and impractical as all the businesses in the world need a mentor and their suggestions to survive. However, finding a mentor is not easy. A person can only become a mentor when one is well educated in the area and is very keenly interested in your idea and is ready to invest one’s whole time in you. Hence, this could be a difficult step but never give up.


  1. Perform Market research

If the idea has been generated before knowing the needs of the market it is a product-oriented idea and ideas generated with no funds are mostly product oriented, hence knowing the market needs is significant to convert the idea into a business. Market research can also help one know what the market expects from the idea and where your idea stands. Nevertheless, market research cannot be accurate many a times and market research needs a lot of hard work and is very time-consuming.

  1. Determine your capital needs and write a business plan.

It is very impractical and obvious that a business idea will require a business plan and the capital needed to finance the plan and the idea. This step could be considered reasonable but this step is quite generalized as all startups need a business plan and it is not helping the idea grow into a business anyways.



  1. Enter a contest

Bplan blogs recommend that an idea should be shared in a contest to come into the eyes of investors so that idea is can be funded to grow into a business. This step would help the business get sponsors and investors. Nonetheless, one’s idea can also be copied if not patented.

  1. Consider outside investments.

Considering outside investment should be the first step after attaining the business idea because this would not put any load on the family and relatives plus grow the idea into a business faster but finding them is quite a difficult job.




Article based on – Apple’s Tim Cook leads different


 Apple’s Tim Cook leads different. (n.d.). Retrieved from


The former CEO of Apple Inc., Steve had a reputation of “bad boss” who demanded excellence from his staff and kept his expectations high always, he wasn’t easily approachable and took decisions individually, this management-style of Steve valued company’s production more than employees, more of a kind of “dictator” which made him a “produce-or -perish” manager. Apple-Inc.’s culture has taken a revolutionary turn with the help of Cook, Apple-Inc.’s current CEO.

Tim Cook has been a team manager kind of leader for the company in the beginning of his tenure who valued employees and the products equally and considered both the factors necessary for the company’s success also known as a democratic leader where employees and other leader take more part in the process of decision making. Cook was partaking a smooth and confident period being the leader, but in the year 2016, there were vicissitudes noticed by the employees in the leadership-style of Cook who determined the modification and the furtherance of the hoary products instead of formulating new ingenious products making the company less visionary and pioneering. The consistently decreasing sales of the company after the pause taken by Apple-Inc. after the launch of iWatch is the proof of diminishing vision.

This style of leadership is noted to be partially country-club leader and team-leader. This style suggests that Cook values his employees higher than the products of the company but they are not eliminated but are of less concern than the employees that is why the leadership-style lying between the country-club and team-leader.

The Cook doctrine is the reason behind the change in Cook’s leadership-style, doctrine speaks about Cook’s superstition and fear of retaining the title of “most valuable company”.

Though this attitude of Cook should have made him a country-club leader but he is more correspondent towards the team-leadership-style in the Blake and Mouton graph because of his previous style and its effects on the company. Now he values the employees more than the product for he believes that employees are the key factors in the success of products.

Although Cook himself is paying more attention and striving hard to increase the sales of the older products implementing the modification in them but has divided teams for the creation and development of new innovative products however the board members have decided to reduce Tim’s salary reason being the lack of performance and results. Off lately there has been a large turnover of the employees even the senior employees leaving the company, the primary purpose being that their skills had not been occupied to the fullest and the concentration of Tim on old products instead of new caused boredom.


Cook can adopt the leadership-style of team-leader which concentrates equally on employees and products. Tim can do this through giving tough jobs to employees resulting in enrichment, empowerment, and enlargement. Cook also should take responsibilities on himself to produce results.



[1] List of Employees who left Apple Inc.

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