Charlotte Lim’s

LLED 565H Portfolio!

Welcome to my LLED 565H portfolio!

To view the different reflections, hover over the the M.Ed link, then the  LLED 565H link, and then each of the reflections, or to go directly to each of the posts or click the M.Ed link, then go to the LLED 565H link. This will direct you to each of the six reflections. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question and I will be more than happy to get back to you.

Reflection 1: Enculturated and Assembled Readers

Reflection 2Strategic and Contructivist Readers

Reflection 3: The Writerly and Social Readers

Reflection 4: Assessment

Reflection 5: The Global Reader

Reflection 6: Self-Assessment

Thank you for taking the time to review my reflection. I hope you enjoyed it!