Photo Journalism

Etienne- UBC Botanical Gardens


Recognized as the oldest botanical garden, this garden measure approximately 44 hectares and includes over 8000 different kinds of plants. Visitors should expect to spend a minimum of one hour for exploring the garden.

In my opinion, this place is not less than a world’s wonder. I like this place because you can feel and see all of life’s wonders. It’s the best place for relaxing and eases our mind.


This is one of the entrances of the University of British Colombia. The name of the institution is surrounded by beautiful trees and is located behind the Place Vanier




Chanel & Audrey-UBC


University of British Columbia is the perfect place to learn English and meet new friends.


How to prepare good meals when you just have a fridge, a microwave and a toaster for fifteen persons? We have to be creative to survive.


Stanley Park is the perfect activity if you want to see a beautiful view of Vancouver. Moreover, we can go to handsome beaches and rent some bikes.


The most important things to do to have a perfect time in Vancouver are to participate to the ELI activities and meet some new friends.


The sunset at Wreck beach is so beautiful! After class,
go with your friends and have a good time.
Be open-minded and don’t forget the 400 or so stairs.



When you go at the residence (Cariboo and Robson), you can go to the common rooms. Many people go there to eat and talk with the group. At lunch until party night, you always meet new friends at this place.



This is one of the entrances of the University of British Colombia. The name of the institution is surrounded by beautiful trees and is located behind the Place Vanier residences.


Place Vanier’s lobby is located in the center of the residences. It is a beautiful modern building. It is a very quiet space where you can read a book or do some homework. Free Wi-Fi is available, so you can use it to chat with friends, go on Facebook, do academic work, etc. The building is spacious, very comfortable and clean.

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UBC’s School of Music is smaller than the music faculty of the University of Montreal. However, it is a very modern building and the practice rooms have a very high quality piano. The school has a very nice auditorium. Its architecture is designed for a maximum of 600 people. Also, the concert hall has a Steinway piano concert. Sometimes, you can listen to some nice recitals performed by the students of the music school.

sunset without sun

sunset without sun

« Enjoy every sunset, look forward to every sunrise. »

boat, sunset moutains

dog, soccer, lil boy canada goose bus image

Go wherever your heart takes you to. The Explore program has taken me through different places in British Columbia. This long road reminds me of the song Rather be « We’re a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea, But as long as you are with me, there’s no place I’d rather be I would wait forever, exalted in the scene. As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat. »



« Friends are hard to find. In a lifetime you get only a few. And when you find them, you always know them by sight and heart alone, you always grow a little bit taller in your soul, and you know you have been blessed just to know them. »

reflects, water, beach

Reflect, a verb, to give back or show an image of yourself. From this Explore Program, I’ve matured a lot, I’ve been surrounded by all the new and friendly people. I’ll remember them and their smile forever.


Time is ticking. We are runners for our lives. In this big city, we can’t give up and will never give up because we are strong and ambitious. That is who we are.

kitsilano beach

Kitsilano beach – Vancouver is a land where there is everything that we need : beach, nature, city, boats, mountains and so on. I would like to live here for a longer time because the view is simply breathtaking.

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