Teacher Interviews

Cody- by Charles

Teacher’s Name: Cody Hawver


1-What are your hobbies?
I really like to do outside activities like camping, hiking, sailing and travelling.

2- Have you ever travelled around the world?
Yes, I went to Tibet and many countries in Europe.

3- Have you ever climbed a mountain?
Yes, I went to Switzerland and I am a member of the Alpin Association of Canada.

4-What’s the worst thing you have ever done?
Instead of going to work, I took the bus to go somewhere with my friend, but the bus passed in front of the office. I tried to hide, but someone saw me.

5-What is your favorite sport?
I don’t really like team sports, but sometimes I watch soccer.

6-What are your goals?
I would like to be trilingual. More specifically, I would like to speak French, Spanish and English.

7- What are you going to do after Explore program?
I would like to go camping and I am going to teach to CAP in UBC.



 Why did you choose to teach Explore students?
To be very honest I had the option to work throughout the summer for 5 weeks and I had taught explore students already and I had a great time.It was an amazing experience. Explore students have the reputation to be outgoing, they bring in lots of energy in the class.

Have you ever taught English in other countries?
Yes I have taught in China and in the US. China was a great experience because I was living on campus. On top of that you are bringing in the culture to them so when I was teaching in North America it was easier because I would just show them the culture but in China you cannot just open the window and show them a concrete example; you have to explain it to them. It was a great challenge. It was an integrated way of living. I had my work, my life and the students were so eager to learn. I felt like I was a treasure because I was coming to their country so as a new teacher it is a great way to start. I felt very confident. I still keep in touch with some of my students. I have bonded to one of them, Marvin, who kind of became a son to my mom.

 If you hadn’t become a teacher what career would you have chosen?
I always wanted to write but never considered it as a career option. I was very athletic (volleyball, cheerleading) so maybe I would have become a coach. At first, I wanted to teach English in highschool but I decided I wanted to travel so my plans changed. That allowed me to work almost anywhere I want in the world.

 What was the last novel you read?
I am currently reading lots of parenting books

I do not remember the last novel I read but I like the Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and The Brothers K by J. Duncan.

 What is the difference between teaching international students and French speaking students?International students make common mistakes. Also, you have to diversify your teaching methods whereas French speakers are more fluent when they speak but need to improve their grammar.

What issues do you think Vancouverites face?
The massive issue is housing right now, at every level. We are losing the middleclass because we can’t afford rent. They are asking 2500 dollars for a 2 bedroom basement suite. It’s very hard.

 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I can see myself living in Germany since my husband is German. However, I love Montreal! But right now, my biggest impulses are giving the best life to my kids and I think Germany could be a good option for their future.


Interview Barb Taylor by BoyiIMG_2249

Have you ever taught English in other countries?
Yes, in Taiwan.

If you hadn’t become a teacher what other career would you have chosen?
I think I would have been a marine biologist because I love the ocean and the animals in the Ocean. Or maybe I could become a journalist, or even an actor or a backup singer (laughing out loud).

What was the last novel that you read?
The last book that I read was a fiction novel. It is a series of short stories written by Rebecca Lee. I love reading short stories. My favourite author is Alice Munro (a very famous Canadian author).

What’s the difference between teaching Explore students and International students? I think that Explore Students are all homogeneous. It is easier to teach Explore students because you all have the same goals so that we can focus on specific challenges.



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