Miscellaneous and pictures


Visit tour of UBC Campus

Tofino 11424452_10206072507386185_6427542467074797346_o

Peak to Peak – WhistlerIMG_5518

First time at Wreck BeachDSC05180

Engineering Graduate from Eastern Canada who is relocating to Vancouver

The most important things to do…

1- Housing :
Living in Vancouver is very expensive!  But you can also get a good deal….

It is cheaper to live outside the city of Vancouver, like Burnaby, Surrey, Richmond or Delta. But it is very far to commute downtown, it takes between 30 min and 1 hour by transit for only one way. You must purchase a monthly pass and provide time for transit. Vancouver is divided into 3 zones. Zone 1 (City of Vancouver), Zone 2 (Burnaby, North and west Vancouver, New Westminster and Richmond) and Zone 3 (other city in the greater Vancouver). The monthly fee for transit is: $ 94 for 1 zone, $124 for 2 zones and $ 170 for 3 zones (Adult price).

2- Relocation : 

  • Pack and send your personal belongings by plane, car or shipping company.
  • Change your mail address and register at Post Canada to transfer your mail for any company and government services. This is necessary in case you have other mail that will come to your address.
  • Change your phone number. It is important for your future employer to have a local number.
  • Transfer your bank account.

3- Work : 

  • Register at WORKBC. They provide services and training for job seekers.
  • Register at APEGBC to get a permit if you want to work as an Engineer.
  • Join volunteer organizations and Mentoring program to make new friends and build your network.

4-  ID & Health : 

  • Change your driving license at ICBC, you must pay $ 75 for 5 years. (It takes 45 days max to receive the Card, before that you have a temporary card).
  • If you don’t have a driving license you can apply for the BC Identification Card.
  • Apply for your BC Health Card (It takes 3 month to be qualifed to get your Card).
  • Find a family Doctor and Dentist

Enjoy your new life in Vancouver !

Funny stats about Vancouver

It rains on average 165 days per year in Vancouver. That represents 45% of the time!

– 00:23:48 is the best time ever that it took to climb the Grind (Grouse Mountain)

– Living Shangri-La is the highest skyscraper in Vancouver with its 62 floors for a total height of 201m

– 93… it’s the number of Cannabis Shops in Vancouver

– There are  Sushi restaurants for approximatively 1100 people living in Vancouver! (There are more than 600 sushi shops for 664 905 people living in Vancouver)

There are 473 steps in the stairs to go to Wreck Beach by the trail #6. That means you burn around 70 calories every time you go from the beach to Place Vanier, which is equivalent to 3 slices of bacon =) !

– In place Vanier, on average, 94 % of the students sleep between 6-8 hours per night

– 71 % of the students prefer to use the microwave instead of buying food

– 72 % of the students prefer Wreck beach and we’re wondering why!

– 50 % of the students drink between 10 to 12 alcohol beverages per week


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