Student Interviews

Pierre-Adam by Chanel & Audrey

What is your name? How do you spell that?
His name is Pierre-Adam.

Where are you come from?
Pierre-Adam comes from St-Julie.

Why did you come to explore?
He wants to be able to speak in English and start a conversation with others. He wants to discover the city, but his priority is learning English.

Do you like to travel? Where did you travel?
Yes, Pierre-Adam likes to travel. He went to Venetia, Rome and Naples.

Can you describe your favorite day in Vancouver?
The first day was his favorite. He came to Vancouver by airplane and he saw the mountains.

What is your favorite idiom?
Add fuel to the fire.


Helen by Chanel

What is your name? How do you spell that?
Her name is Helene.

Where are you come from?
She comes from Repentigny.

Why did you come to explore?
She wants to improve her English and after, she wants to work in Vancouver for the rest of the summer.

Do you like to travel? Where did you travel?
Yes, Helene likes to travel. She went to North Carolina and Vancouver.

Do you practice any sport?
Helene really loves sports. She practices kite surfing, soccer, volley ball and Frisbee.

What is your favourite idiom?
You blow my mind.


Heidi by Cathy

Where are you come from?

Why did you come to explore?
Because it is free and that he likes the city of Vancouver.

Do you like to travel? Where did you travel?
Yes, he really loves travelling. He went to England, France, Morocco and Denmark – which are his favourite’s ones.

What is your type of travel?
It must have beaches and party or at least one of them.

When and where is your next travel?
This summer, he will go to Barcelona for two weeks and to Algeria for one month and a half.

What is your dream destination?
To go in Hawaii for three months or in lost island with a good weather of course.

What are you studying?
He is studying Industrial Relations in University of Montreal.

What is the thing you have to improve in your life?
His smile 🙂

Do you practice any sports?
He really loves sports, he loves swimming.

What is your favourite idiom?
Blow the people away.

Describe your dream job.
Earn 1000 dollars salary, working Tuesday to Thursday – Between; 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Be an owner of a company  and hire a good manager.


Gérard by Cathy

Where are you come from?

Why did you come to explore?
To learn English.

What do you like the best about Explore?
The possibility to talk in English.

What is your favourite expression?
To cut corner – When I have to do some scholarly work, I usually cut corner.

Do you like to travel? 
Yes, he likes to travel.

Do you practice any sport?
Yes, he likes sports, he plays tennis and soccer.

What is your favourite idiom?

What is your dream destination?
Train in Russia – TransSiberian Railway along the country

Samuel by Claudia
Samuel is from Saguenay in the province of Quebec. His favorite hobbies are hip hop dancing, reading action books and playing video games. In his free time, he likes to go out with friends and doing big party. His favorite place in Vancouver city is downtown. Finally, he was very happy and excited when he starts Explore program in Vancouver.

Wednesday, I interviewed a student in Mary’s class. Her name is Noemi. She comes from Ste-Marthe-sur-le-lac in the province of Quebec. Noemi is working at the Costco in Gatineau. For the Explore program, she chose Vancouver because a lot of her friends came here and told her it was a beautiful place. In addition, she is studying in the Police Foundation in Ottawa to be in the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mountain Police), so she could work here. When she arrived in BC, all the green places and the beautiful views of the mountains from the plane impressed her. In UBC, the first thing that blew her mind was the size of the campus. In her free time, she likes to spend time with her boyfriend and she used to practice gymnastics. The thing that she could not live without is her sweet cover. Her favorite kind of food is cheese cake and her favorite shop is H&M. She loves cats and she also has one named Mouse. Her favorite movie is Stick it, a gymnastic comedy. A happy memory in her life is when she went to Africa; it was the two most beautiful weeks of her life. Noemi loves to travel. She has been to Africa, Dominican Republic, France, New-York and finally, Walt-Disney twice. She wants to continue traveling in the future.

Interview with Mariah by Frederique
image001Mariah lives in Quebec City where she studies communication and public relationship at the University of Laval. She decided to apply for the Explore program at UBC mainly to improve her English and to visit Vancouver because she had never been there. She believes that being bilingual will be a major asset  since she eventually wants to move to Vancouver and travel the world but she doesn’t have any plan.  Finally, her favorite thing to do in Vancouver is to watch the sunsets at Wreck Beach because they are beautiful and the landscape made of the ocean and the mountains is really peaceful and entertaining.

Vincent by Marie-Isabelle

What English expression do you like the most?
Drink like a fish.

Where did you travel?
My first trip on an airplane was to Edmonton in Alberta. After, I went to Cuba two times (Cayo Santa Maria and Camaguay).

Where do you study? And what field do you study in?
I study at Laval University in electrical engineering.

Where did you work before Explore?
I worked 4 years in a row at the Rouyn-Noranda Airport.

Do you practice some sports?
I don’t really like team sports so I do some jogging, water skiing and snow skiing.

What are your hobbies?
I like to travel, to listen to the music and to drive my car.

Why did you decide to do the Explore program?
I chose to do Explore because this year, I have a free summer. I’m also here to improve my English and to discover the West Coast.

What’s your favorite activity in Vancouver during Explore?
I like to go to Wreck Beach and take it easy.




What is your name? How old are you? My name is Carlos. I am 24 years old.

What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are photography, travelling, spend time with my friends and my family.

What is your favorite expression? Better now than later

How many languages can you speak?
I speak 3 languages, Spanish, French and English.

Where did you travel?
I went to 22 countries in Europe. I also went to Mexico, USA…

What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to pop music and reggaeton.

Why did you do Explore?
I did explore to learn English, for fun and to visit the West coast.


Miriame Pâquet By Josée Baillargeon 

Where do you come from?
I come from Bathurst, a little town in the north east of New-Brunswick. It’s a mostly English and French speaking community. However, now I live in Montreal.

Do you have a hidden talent?
Since I was 9 years old I have been playing the piano but for now I don’t have the time to practice it.

What is your favorite English expression?
Hummm… I don’t know… Maybe my favorite expression is « Drink like a fish» because it’s a funny expression!

Where did you travel?
I travelled to  Florida, to Dominican Republic and also all around Canada. My favourite place to travel is here in Vancouver.

Where do you want to travel?
I really want to go to New Zealand and to Greece.

What will you do with 100 000$ ?
For sure, I will pay my studies back! I will also travel to Greece and New Zealand. I will give a little part to my parents because they helped me a lot. Finally, I will put what remains in the bank.


Sara, the girl with an infinite will by Nelly Chriswell Manana
Sara is a 22 years old girl who lives in Montreal and studies in Psycho-education.

1.Why did you choose to participate to the Explore program?
The first reason was that I wanted to improve my English. It was an opportunity for me to visit a new province in Canada and to do activities, which I found really interesting since everything is in English.

2.Do you think that your English is better since you are here in Vancouver?Sure! I learnt a bunch of new words and improved my fluency. And I feel more comfortable to speak now! I feel less shy!

3.What was the thing that took your breath away in Vancouver?
I must say that the landscapes are amazing. And I was really touched by it!

4.Where is the best place that you have visited since you are here?
Whistler! When I did the peak to peak activity I realized that nature is the most beautiful thing in the world and we have to respect it!

5.Do you have something to add?
Yes! I met a lot of great people in this adventure and I wasn’t expecting it! By far, it was and it still is a very good experience. I’m going to keep many memories here in Vancouver, forever and ever! If I could do it again, I would not hesitate to do so.


Sandrine by Sara Dionne

1. What is your favorite place that you have discovered during the program?
I loved Whistler, in general. Everything was beautiful about this place.

2. Where are you seeing yourself in five years?
I would probably like to have my own place and have finished my studies. I would also live somewhere else than Montreal but I don’t know where yet.

3. What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie is Mao’s last dancer. It is the story of a Chinese boy who is forced to dance ballet because he has a good body proportions for that sport.

4. Where would you like your next trip to be?
Going to South East Asia would be amazing. Countries like Laos, Vietnam and Thailand are very affordable and are therefore good places to visit as a student.

5. According to you, what would be the perfect job?
It would be a job where you get to decide your schedule. Moreover, the perfect job would allow me to work at home or wherever I feel like. Doing so, I could even travel at the same time as I am working.


Charles by Meriem

Charles is from Quebec City. He finished his bachelor in Economy last semester. He will start his Masters degree next September at the University of Toronto. Charles loves playing volleyball and running. He also likes traveling, indeed, he visited France, USA and Canada and he finds that Vancouver is the best place to visit. This summer, Charles discovered a new sport; Bubble soccer. He really likes this new sport and he is hoping he can do this gain when he gets back to Quebec. Charles likes swimming and he finds that Jericho beach is the best. His favorite quote is <<Pain in the ass>>


Melanie by Marc-Andre

A  common expression used during Explore:

 One thing I’ll remember:
The sunset at Wreck Beach

Song that makes me remember Explore:
Love me like you do, By Ellie Gouldin

A typical meal:
Frozen meal/Panini

A typical day in Explore:
School + Workshop + Wreck beach + Paddle Surf in Ksitilano

First-time experience in Explore:
Bungee jumping in Whistler and Surf in Tofino

My best moments:
Campfire in Tofino

How do I see myself in the next 5 years:
I don’t know, I live my life day by day





Jasmine by Dac-Toan

What’s your name?

What are you studying in? and where?
I study communication at UQAM.

What’s your favorite expression? Can you use it in a sentence?
My favorite expression is ‘’turnt’’. ‘’In Explore, we turnt every night.’’

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself having a big house in Vancouver (costing at least $5M) and being perfectly bilingual.

Why did you choose the Explore program?
I chose the Explore program to discover a new province and to make new friends.

What’s your typical meal in the residence?
My typical meals in the residences are Panini’s and frozen plates.

Did you come in the program alone?
Yes, I came alone. I’m happy that I have made new friendships that will last forever.


Alexandra H. by Dac-Toan

What’s your name?
Alexandra H.

What are you studying in? and where?
I study kinesiology at the University of Montreal.

What’s your favorite expression? Can you use it in a sentence?
MY favorite expression is ‘’a couch potato’’. ‘’After a short night of sleep, I feel like a couch potato.’’

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself traveling somewhere over the rainbow.

Why did you choose the Explore program?
I mostly chose the Explore program to discover this wonderful province that is British Columbia. I also chose it to become more fluent when I speak English,

What’s your typical meal in the residence?
My typical meal in the residence is a bowl of ramen with a steak on the Panini grill.

Did you come in the program alone?
Yes, I came here alone and I look forward to staying in touch with some of the new friends I have made here.


Mélanie by Dac-Toan

What’s your name?

What are you studying in? and where?
I study in architecture at UQAM.

What’s your favorite expression? Can you use it in a sentence?
My favorite expression is ‘’turnt’’. ‘’We were so turnt during the night at the Celebrities.’’

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I will have travel the world and I will own a Maserati.

Why did you choose the Explore program?
I chose the Explore program to discover a new province and to make new friends.

What’s your typical meal in the residence?
My typical meals in the residences are Panini’s and frozen plates.

Did you come in the program alone?
Yes, I came alone. I’m happy that I have made new friendships that will last forever.


Feriel by Adam

What is the favorite moment you can recall in the Explore program?
It was random. I went to the beach with friends from the program. We then went to the grocery store and on our way back we waited for the bus at the bus stop. I leaned against the window and heard some spray noise in my bag. I opened the bag and saw my sunscreen spray lotion had exploded inside. There was sunscreen lotion all over. I started cracking up with my friends for 20 minutes!

If you were an animal, which one would you be?
I would be an owl because people say I have big eyes like him. On top of that, I study and go to bed late at night (between 2 to 4 AM)

What is your life advice or your favorite expression in English?

My favorite expression is : “ Fill the pinch”. It means having a hard time joining the 2 ends with the money you make. I think it is quite accurate and appropriate for the Explore students! My life advice would be : “ Just do it!”

What aspect of the program would you have liked to modify?
I would have liked to have a kitchen. Also, I found that some activities were not well organized and that seats were too limited. Moreover, I think it would have been very interesting if we could have spent more time with the international students.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself still studying (graduate studies). I also think I will be travelling and hopefully finally get my driving license.

What is the best food you’ve had in Vancouver?
At Stefo’s (greek restaurant), in Downtown Vancouver on Robson street. The calamari plate and the shrimps souvlaki are a must try!

Tell us something interesting about you that we don’t already know
I like cooking. I make great sushis and butter chicken.


Rizki by Adam11358820_506466266176842_480258145_n

What is the favorite moment you can recall in the Explore program?
Because there was no more spots available for the Whistler trip, me and some friends from the program rented a car and did a road trip. We had lots of fun, sang, laughed and admired the view. We also spent a great week end there doing activity (rafting, clubbing etc.)

If you were an animal, which one would you be?
I would be a snake because it’s unpredictable, like me!

What is your life advice or your favorite expression in English?
My favorite expression is  “Make it rain!” because I love money!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself living in Dubai, married with a job in an accounting firm.

What is the best food you’ve had in Vancouver?
The best food I had was actually in Whistler at a French creperie. I had eggs benedict salmon and delicious crepes.

Tell us something interesting about you that we don’t already know
My hair is 100% natural. Also, when I was a child, I used to do gymnastics (rings, vaulting horse etc…). That’s why I am so flexible, you know…


Laurean by Amine

Laurean is a student from Quebec City and he plays American football, he likes others sports such as Rugby, soccer and watching hockey, at the same time he’s trying to keep up political actualities especially before the future election of Canada  although he doesn’t like politic topic .

Despite Quebec City, being famous for its winter, his personality doesn’t like this time of year because it’s so cold and he can’t practice any activities.

By the way he has visited just two countries, and that is why he would like to take a beautiful trip after he completes his bachelor degree, and before he begins to engage in any fulltime job.

He’s seriously thinking of jumping to another step in his life when he will be financially stable and help he can build a family life and take other responsibilities.

His expectation for the Explore Program was to improve English and to discover Vancouver without forgetting to widen the network too.

He wasn’t regretting this experience when he chose Vancouver city for the Explore program because The methodology of learning English at the ELI-UBC pushes and encourages him to speak and progress his level in English , in addition he knew that Vancouver is the most beautiful city in the world  .

On brink of this idea, he doesn’t forget many beautiful trips such as Whistler and Tofino.

However after Explore, he’s planning to stay here for one week longer to visit other places in British Columbia or USA before he will go back to Quebec city, nevertheless he likes Vancouver city as his home town, especially for him, Vancouver has more greenery, the transportation is easier & more frequent, there are amazing views, also people are more friendly than in Quebec, but on the other hand the negative point is the cost of living is higher than Quebec city.

Finally, I can say that Laurean would like to become an astronaut for exploring space and other planets like he would like to travel around the world to discover as much as he can.

The favorite English expression for Laurean is: “it takes two to tango” because that seems cool for him.

Meriem Hammouimage001

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    I see myself working at the hospital in Montreal. I might also be married!
  1. What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
    My expectations were to make friends, to travel
  1. Have you ever traveled before?
    Yes! I’ve been to USA, France, and Tunisia.
  1. Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
    Yes, of course!
  1. Describe the residences and Explore in one word.
    Noisy and Explore.


Elizabeth Gervaisimage002

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    I see myself finishing my bachelor in Industrial Relations, maybe working and having an apartment.
  1. What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
    My expectations were to learn English and to have fun!
  1. What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
    Often from The Weekend.
  1. Have you ever traveled before?
    Yes! I have been to Paris, USA, Mexico, Switzerland and to Germany.
  1. Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
  1. Describe the residences and Explore in one word.
    Dirty and amazing.


Alexandra Gervaisimage003

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    I see myself working in a law firm or working for the government in another country. I also see myself traveling.
  1. What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
    My expectations were to improve my English, discover the city of Vancouver and have fun!
  1. What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
    I want it that way from the Backstreet Boys (Tracy’s class!!)
  1. Have you ever traveled before?
    Yes! I’ve been to Germany, Paris, Holand, Austria, USA and Mexico.
  1. Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
  1. Describe the residences and Explore in one word.
    Simple and discover.


Catherine L.11421536_506466276176841_777416254_n

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    Somewhere abroad and doing social work (helping kids).
  1. What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
    I mainly came here to travel
  1. What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
    Wrecking ball from Miley Cyrus
  1. Have you ever traveled before?
    Yes, I’ve been to Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and the American west coast.
  1. Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
    Yes, a couple of people, of course!
  1. Describe the residences and Explore in one word.
    Disgusting and good time
  1. How do you think people will remember you?
    Probably as “the late one!!”, but also as a loner (even though I talk to a lot of people, I sometimes like to do my own things!)


Melodie M.11356119_506466272843508_448107475_n

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    I see myself working in a school as a social worker and maybe buying a house.
  1. What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
    A lot of parties and nice people.
  1. What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
    See you again from Wiz!
  1. Have you ever traveled before?
    Yes, I’ve been to the US, Vancouver, Cuba and the Caribbeans.
  1. Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
  1. Describe the residences and Explore in one word.
    I don’t know and Amazing!
  1. How do you think people will remember you?
    As a party animal!



Dac T.11124797_506466219510180_144528301_n

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    I will be done with university, so I might be working in a pharmacy and maybe have a girlfriend!
  1. What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
    I wanted to practice my speaking more than my writing and be bilingual after the program.
  1. What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
    I want it that way from the Backstreet Boys.
  1. Have you ever traveled before?
    Yes, I’ve been to Dominican Republic, Mexico, Bahamas, USA and Hawaii.
  1. Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
    Sure! I made some good friends, so I hope we will see each other again in Quebec.
  1. Describe the residences and Explore in one word.
    Ordinary and Yolo.
  1. How do you think people will remember you?
    As one of the only Asian boys and the one who likes to dance in the middle of the dancefloor!


Get to know Jaafar11422700_506466236176845_527281083_n

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I’ll be working in a huge law firm.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?  I wanted to become bilingual… I don’t think it worked.

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
Bryan Adams – Summer of ‘69

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
Morocco and France

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program? Yes 

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
Smelly and Curious

How do you think people are going to remember you?
People will remember my laugh


Get to know Adam11414483_506466222843513_1769860614_n

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself having finished my studies; I hope I’ll be a dentist. I also see myself travelling a lot. I also hope I won’t stop learning, whether it’s a language or a new culture.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?
I had high expectations. In English I was hoping I would improve my writing, I don’t feel like I did, although I think I have improved my pronunciation. I thought I would have friends and I would meet new people, but I didn’t think the group would be that amazing. Also had lots of expectations for Vancouver and the city surpassed them: it’s really beautiful, people are nice and the day to day expenses aren’t as expensive as I thought.

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
Afrojack – Ten Feet Tall

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
Israel, Spain, France, London, Italy and the United States

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program?
Yes, I’d love to. 

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
Survivor and melting pot

How do you think people are going to remember you?
Maybe as someone nice, funny, easy going, charming and clever.


Get to know Nils11418547_506466232843512_1344833755_n

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I’ll be a millionaire because I’m going to have my own company.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?
I came here to learn to speak English well… to become bilingual

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
Happy – Pharrell, because I am Happy!

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
Most of the countries around France, Venezuela, Canada and the United States.

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program? Yes 

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
No Food and Amazing


Get to know Khalil

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself having a house, a wife, a car and maybe a dog if my house is big enough.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?
To improve and practice my English and participating in a new learning experience.

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
Made in Heights – Murakami

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
Spain, Morocco and parts of Canada like Montreal and Vancouver.

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program? Yes

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
Small and Amazing

How do you think people are going to remember you?
The Moroccan guy


Get to know Shella

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I’ll be pursuing my doctorate degree in psychology.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?
My expectations were to improve my English, especially my writing and to meet new people.

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
Nas – The World Is Yours

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
I’ve been to France, Burundi, Kenya, Cuba, Jamaica and the United States.

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program?
I’d love to

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
Struggle and Awesome

How do you think people are going to remember you?
As someone who is nice, funny but quiet.


Get to know Billel11348755_506466239510178_1085184844_n

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I’ll be a manager in a bank.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?
My expectations were to improve my English.

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
My friends and I have slogan it’s called “Tous Ensemble” or “All Together” in English.

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
I’ve been to Spain, Germany and Italy.

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program?Yes

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
Crazy and Nice


Get to know Amine 11419920_506466229510179_1702116817_n

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Maybe I’ll have my own properties and companies, I’d like to be successful businessman in California.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?
I had expectations about the education, the method of education, and the logistics.

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
I visited the United States, Spain, France, Morocco and many places in Canada.

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program? Of course yes!

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
Animated and Correct

How do you think people are going to remember you?
As the funny guy


Get to know Jean-Simon 11420003_506466226176846_1071980908_n

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years I see myself working for a company and at the same time starting my own company.

What were your expectations before coming to explore?
My expectations were pretty high when it came to improving my English but I also wanted to have fun. However I wasn’t expecting Vancouver to be so beautiful and for people here to be so nice and fun.

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
Lean on – Major Lazer

Have you ever traveled before? If so where and for how long?
Yes I went to London, Germany, Austria, France, Italia, Jamaica, etc.

Would you like to stay in contact with people from the explore program?
Yes, of course!

Describe the residences in one word and the explore program in another.
Party and Fun

How do you think people are going to remember you?
As someone funny, who likes to party and “The Gym guy”.


Get to know Laurianne 11419888_506466256176843_1695849107_n

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I think I will be a lawyer, in five years I will be 27 years old. I will probably have a boyfriend and a house.

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore? I came to learn English. Not for the handsome guys or for the clubs and the alcohol at all…

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? I don’t have one.

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long? I never been anywhere so far, it’s my first trip!

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore? Yes, maybe not everybody because we all have a busy life, but I would like to see my closest friends here.

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word. Bad beds and Fun!

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you? The gossip girl!!!


Get to know Malik11264351_506466242843511_412466736_nWhere do you see yourself in 5 years? I will be working in a bank as an advisor. We never know maybe I’ll be married with kids.

What were your expectations before coming to Explore? I was scared it was going to be boring, but it’s not boring!

What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? I don’t remember the title of the song, but the guys play it every time at the beach.

Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long?  Yes, I’ve been to Algeria, France and the United States.

Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore? Yes, some people! First, shoutout to my man Rizki, shoutout to my girl Laura, shoutout to Billel and all the Robson Gang!

Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word. Dirty & fun and interesting.

How do you think people will remember you? As the party guy!


Get to know Lucas11358608_506466249510177_1446496173_n

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In five years I’ll be 25 years old…so I’ll be a lawyer.

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore? Improving my English and discovering the city pretty much.

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? It’s a song by the Backstreet Boys it goes like EVERYBODY YEAH YEAH ROCK YOUR BODY YEAH YEAH (Backstreet Boys –Everybody)

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long? Yes, I went to Italy, France, Austria, United Arab United and so many more.

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore? I will like to but honestly I won’t because I’m really bad at keeping contact with people.

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word.
Robson and good.

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you? Maybe as the guy who plays harmonica, because there’s not a lot of people who can play it.


Get to know Sabrina 

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I will work as an accounting, I will have a husband and a kid lets hope!

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
I came here to improve my English and to discovers Vancouver.

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? It’s by the Backstreet Boys…the song we sang a lot in Tracy’s class (Backstreet Boys –I Want It That Way)

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long?
Yes, I’m from Algeria and I went to Tunisia, Morocco, Spain and the United States.

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
Yes, well I hope so. But just not Adam (joke)

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word.
Robson and fun.

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you?
Maybe like someone mysterious, calm, discrete and a bit shy.


Get to know Kevin 11419862_506466262843509_1931951580_n

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Probably in the street (joke), but more seriously I’ll be majoring in communication and marketing.

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
I didn’t had any expectations. I really wanted to have fun and discover Vancouver.

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? My friends and I used to play Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus all the time.

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long?
I went to Paris, to Toronto, to New-York, New Brunswick.

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
Yeah of course I will love to, I met really great people.

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word.
Scrap and amazing.

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you?
They will probably remember me because I was too loud, but in the good way I guess.


Get to know Raphaelle  11420082_506466252843510_2064781629_n

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Honestly I don’t have any idea so I’d say maybe finish school in criminology or psychology.

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
Learn English, make new friends and travel pretty much.

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience?
I don’t know, I don’t have any song.

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long?
I went to Banff three years ago, I went to Costa Rica and I went to Vancouver with my parents when I was younger.

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
Oh yes!

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word.
Okay and awesome.

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you?
Maybe as the funny one, cause when I make joke my friends laugh.


Get to know Milorie  11418462_506466269510175_527109613_n

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I will be studying. I hope I’ll be abroad like in Australia for my master or something like that.

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
To me I thought people would be way better than me in English, but actually its more about meeting new people and having a good time.

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? Outside by Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding and maybe Starship by Nicki Minaj.

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long?
I went to Senegal, Germany, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, New-York and New Brunswick.

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
I think I’d even travel to visit them, because I met a lot of people who don’t live in the same city as me.

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word.
Chaos and discovery.

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you?
I would say as someone really outgoing and a party girl here!


Get to know Arlette  

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I like to think that I’ll be doing my master in International Studies and that my life will be more organized. I don’t think I’ll be married and that I’ll have kids… but we never know!

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore?
I really wanted to improve my English skills and to experience a different lifestyle.

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? I have so many songs, but I think Trap Queen by Fetty Wap is the one that will stay in my memories. That’s my turn up song!

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long?
Ever since I immigrated to Canada at 6 years old I’ve only been to New-York and to Philadelphia.

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
I’m so bad at that, I can’t even keep in touch with friends I’ve known for a long time and who live in my city…I’m just really lazy!

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word. Messy and Surprising.

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you? I know I can be really loud sometimes, but I hope they’ll remember me as someone nice and fun to be around!


Get to know Cathy

Question 1: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I like to think that I will be travelling all around the world. Wherever I go, I will enjoy life, look for good vibes and live in the present moment.

Question 2: What were your expectations before coming to Explore? I came here to improve my English and to have more confidence for the speaking. I also came here to discovers Vancouver and to discovers who I am in a totally different lifestyle.

Question 3: What is the song you remember the most from your Explore experience? I have so many songs, but I think Lean On and Treasured Soul will stay in my mind, because it reminds me the good vibes I had with DJ and the gang at Wreck Beach. <3

Question 4: Have you ever traveled before? If yes, where and for how long?
I went to Florida and some places in Canada, but for sure Vancouver is awesome and I will come back in West Canada one day.

Question 5: Would you like to stay in contact with people from Explore?
I’m so bad at that, but for sure I would like to. People I met here are amazing !!

Question 6: Describe the residence in one word and Explore in another word. Ouch… and adventure 🙂

Question 7: How do you think people will remember you? Like the LITTLE girl :)!

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