Burberry – New With Technology

Sally Chen, in her blog “Berberry Embraces Technology: Digital Marketing,” discusses Berberry’s shift in its product line. Incorporating high-tech gadjets, Berberry has developed a whole new world of fashion. This innovative move has brought Berberry an increase in demand in the market, as well as an increase in the market share. While this move, as described in Sally Chen’s blog post, has clearly brought comparative advantage to Berberry to cope with the serious economic downturn, I personally see this move as a possible threat to the brand.

Berberry, as a result of this shift in the product line, will see its long time fans turn down on it, as the brand’s patent classyness has been much removed by the adaption of high-tech gadjects. That is, the new marketing strategy comes in contrast with the brand’s image that has been set from decades of brand positioning in the minds of consumers.

Personally, such a shift toward technology appeals to me as a disappointment rather than a positive innovation. This is why, in most cases, companies should carefully examine its strengths and weaknesses to derive opportunities and threats, upon which they will make decisions regarding shifts in product lines and marketing.

*Also look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1H9arC4zP0

Nokia Loses Big In Competitive Market

In response to Can Celikyilmaz’s blog in “Nokia Is Losing Big In The Competition Of Smartphones,” I developed insight in market competitions and the significance they hold when determining an industry’s attractiveness. In the article, “Nokie Surrounded By Competition,” Nokia’s chief executive states that the company has responded too slowly to the change in demand in the market, while its competitors, Apple and Samsung, have moved on to develop new technologies with which they have gained complete lead in the market share.

In spite of the changes in technology Nokia has recently developed, however, the company is doing poorly in the fierce competition existent in the industry. As illustrated in “The Smartphone Shakeout: Time Is Running Out for a Viable No.3”, smartphone companies struggle to see an increase in the market share due to intense rivalry, which is directly related to the market strategy and Porter’s five forces tool covered in class.

For Nokia to put an end to the endless fall in its market share and total revenue (and profit), its marketers should take a closer look at the industry’s rivalry, and drive a normative statement that suggests an action with which the company will survive in such an “unattractive” cell phone industry.

Disney’s New Home Page: A New Marketing Strategy

The Walt Disney Company has finally unveiled the new website – aimed at delivering a pure entertainment experience for its “guests.” In the article, “Disney Unveils New Home Page With Entertainment Focus,” Kara Swisher discusses the new website and the effects it will have on the minds of the customers. This new marketing strategy aims at providing its old and new Disney fans with a vibrant entertainment experience that will continue on from the movies and television shows to their smartphones and tablets, and computer screens.

While it is clear that the newly-refurbished Disney.com will bring positive effects to the company, as smartphone/tablet users now have access to the world of Disney at any place they desire, it does impose some risks, says Disney Interactive co-President James Pitaro. The old users who are familiar with the services provided on the old website might leave the revised version, on which they will find difficulty looking for some of the old features that have been removed permanently.

 When a company makes changes to its marketing strategy, there are always risks that require company marketers to analyze and determine if the possible outcomes are worth the possible losses. In the case, Disney, as it attempts to target the smartphone/tablet users with its fun features available on the new home page, it is putting at risk the old “guests” who might still be looking for the original website with easy access to services other than fun games and video clips.