Burberry – New With Technology

Sally Chen, in her blog “Berberry Embraces Technology: Digital Marketing,” discusses Berberry’s shift in its product line. Incorporating high-tech gadjets, Berberry has developed a whole new world of fashion. This innovative move has brought Berberry an increase in demand in the market, as well as an increase in the market share. While this move, as described in Sally Chen’s blog post, has clearly brought comparative advantage to Berberry to cope with the serious economic downturn, I personally see this move as a possible threat to the brand.

Berberry, as a result of this shift in the product line, will see its long time fans turn down on it, as the brand’s patent classyness has been much removed by the adaption of high-tech gadjects. That is, the new marketing strategy comes in contrast with the brand’s image that has been set from decades of brand positioning in the minds of consumers.

Personally, such a shift toward technology appeals to me as a disappointment rather than a positive innovation. This is why, in most cases, companies should carefully examine its strengths and weaknesses to derive opportunities and threats, upon which they will make decisions regarding shifts in product lines and marketing.

*Also look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1H9arC4zP0

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