Apple on its Never-Expected Downhill

Was it just me, or did everyone else think Apple Co. will always be on an uphill with its sales and share price. Yet, as its technology-giant competitor Samsung launched its Galaxy S3, Apple experienced a huge fall in its sales and share price.

In the article “Apple’s Tablet Share Slips In Lead-Up to iPad Mini Launch,” the author describes how this loss is continuing on to the tablet market. While Apple’s long time customers and fans had long waited for the launch of iPhone 5 and iPad Mini, they both turned out to be huge disappointments, with little changes made to their old versions.

In comparison, Samsung, Apple’s tech-giant competitor, came up with its never-been-so-good Galaxy S3, and is now experiencing a constant rise in its sales and share price.

In my opinion, such a tragedic situation has come because of Apple’s slow reactions to changes in the smart phone/tablet market, as well as its reluctance to make further changes in their products. I have to admit, though, that Apple’s marketing team has done a fantastic job, making everyone want to buy its products. Yet, its management, who failed to come up with a device that would satisfy its customers, like Samsung has done with its Galaxy S3, has done such a poor job that such a strong company is now on a downhill.

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