Holiday is Coming and So is Your Opportunity

As holidays are approaching, businesses are planning how they are going to spend their holidays. While many people would think that holidays are for resting, away from their clients and stress, many successful businesses emphasize the significance a holiday holds regarding building rapport with clients and creating good impression to the public.

In the article, “You Need a Plan for the Holidays,” the author describes how a company could spend the holidays effectively to promote positive impressions. For example, gifting something more useful than a box of chocolate helps a company make its customers think positively of the company.

Though I do not wish to spend my holidays as efficiently as some of these successful businesses do, I was amazed by the importance of marketing for any business. If a business wants to sell a product, it needs customers, and in order to gain customers, a business should market itself. Above all, the most important marketing strategy I’ve learned from this article is thinking outside the box, in spite of its cliche-like sound.

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