Optimistic Outlooks for US Economy

In the article, “Budget Optimism Boosts U.S. Stock Futures,” the author explains that upon US President Barrack Obama’s re-election, the US economy finally experienced a boost after a long recession. As the stock prices went up, many businesses saw increases in sales and net profits, and I believe this will also have a positive effect on the Canadian economy.

I do not know to what extent US economy can influence the Canadian economy, but I do know that there are close ties between the economies of the two countries. I think this is because of the exposure of Canadian customers to the media produced in the US, which strongly affect the way Canadians perceive things.

When customers are told the economy will prosper in the near future, they tend to make more purchases of luxury goods; and this is what I expect to see within a few weeks in the Canadian economy. Due to the strong tie between the two cultures, such a positive outlook in the US economy will not only affect its own but will also bring about positive impacts on the Canadian economy, in which Canadian customers, exposed to the US media, believe they will soon be better off too.

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