Tracing Back Our Carbon Footprint

In response to Jean-Philippe Boutin’s blog post “Evaluating Our Carbon Footprint,” I developed better knowledge about the ways carbon emission was measured, and the ways through which we emitted carbon into our atmosphere. According to Boutin’s blog post, carbon emission level has been constantly increasing, which has ultimately caused changed to our vulnerable planet.

While we all know emitting carbon is bad and that we should stop ourselves from polluting the Earth, I personally find it very hard to reduce my carbon footprint. When I calculated my carbon footprint per year, I got a number slightly above 9 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Though the number is far less than the country average, I was still surpised to figure out how much “contribution” I was making to exacerbate global warming.

After finding out that my number was above that of most of my peers, I determined to reduce my carbon footprint and save the planet, though the contribution may be little. By eating less meat, and walking, I can reduce my carbon footprint by 3 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Though it may sound like nothing, if everyone shows as much interest as I do, and take actions to reduce their carbon footprint, I am sure that we can slow down the negative changes that are on-going on our invaluable planet.

*Also look at: YouTube Carbon Footprint*

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