Required Readings (magnitude of the challenges)

Read at least one, but ideally two of the suggested readings. Read the abstract and conclusion of all readings to make your choice:

Readings under Creative Commons licenses:

1) Gertenbach, L., Lamla, J., & Laser, S. (2021). Eating ourselves out of industrial excess? Degrowth, multi-species conviviality and the micro-politics of cultured meat. Anthropological Theory, 1463499620981544. (CC)

2) Amorelli, L. Gibson, D. Gilbertson, T and the Indigenous Environmental Network (Eds.) (2019). Hoodwinked in the hothouse, (CC)

Readings available through academic institutions:

1) Jefferess, D. (2021). On saviours and saviourism: lessons from the# WEscandal. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-12.

2) Barcan, R. (2020). The campaign for legal personhood for the Great Barrier Reef: Finding political and pedagogical value in a spectacular failure of care. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 3(3), 810-832.

3) Grande, S. (2018). Refusing the university. In Toward what justice, pp. 47-65.


These questions can support your reading:

  • What is the text trying to critique? What is the the text trying to propose? Is the text advocating for soft reform, radical reform or beyond reform of the house of modernity? What are the gifts and limits of the text’s critiques and propositions?
  • To what extent do the readings challenge and/or reproduce HEADS UP?
  • What questions, issues or thoughts did the text(s) evoke for you? Check what is going on in your “bus”. Check the motion of the bus as well: is it moving? stopped? how is the road? is it straight? winding? up? down? is the bus going around in a roundabout? what is the weather inside and outside the bus? What is your analysis of your cognitive and affective responses (of what is going on in your bus)? What are you learning about yourself from observing your bus?
  • Pay attention to which elements, themes, passages or statements of the material impact your body and where. What are you noticing in your body? Are you feeling constriction, tightness, tension, pressure, tingling, opening or lightness? Where in your body are you noticing these feelings? Is your posture shifting? Are you folding in or straightening up? Are you clenching your teeth or bringing your shoulders to your ears? What are these responses revealing to you?
  • What is the relevance and implications of the reading(s) for your context, roles and sense of self? Make notes about this text for your assignment.