LinkedIn: Nokia Can’t Save Microsoft — Only its Geniuses Can!

Microsoft’s recent purchasing of Nokia Mobility is noted as the company’s way of regaining its lost momentum. They believe that this purchase will allow them to compete with other mobile giants such as Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android devices. However, LinkedIn’s experts’ opinions greatly differ. Microsoft is an aging company who is desperately trying to take control of too many sectors of technology, in this case- mobility, and expanding beyond their capabilities. As LinkedIn notes,” Microsoft’s problem isn’t that it has too little technology; it has too much”. This statement is correct regarding the variety of conflicting markets the company is trying to satisfy including: enterprise, personal computing, mobile and entertainment.

I believe that Microsoft has lost sight of what success entails in the technological industry. Companies that specialize in a narrower variety of products tend to produce better and more successful merchandise. In order for Microsoft to compete with the emergence of Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Androids, the company needs to breakdown into “micro-Microsofts” and allow its geniuses to innovate in a smaller capacity and specialize in their own core products.

Microsoft’s products cannot win in every emerging field. If they continue to fight this “losing battle”, failure is inevitable for this aging company.


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