Mines & The Angered [River] People

The Tsilhqot’in (River People) are a group of First Nation Aboriginals with the population of over 3000 people in . Among many of the Tsilhqot’in culture, hunting and fishing  has been the most important to them. Many years has passed by and the Tsilhqot’in people built a tribal park to preserve their culture and environment; however Taseko Mines Ltd.’s constructed a mine site at Fish Lake, which is right next to and inside the tribal park territory. Undoubtedly, the Tsilhqot’in were furious because this means a threat to their preserved environment, especially when two Taseko’s mine sites were determined as a danger to fish habitat.

Fish Lake, where Tsilhqot’in people reside and Taseko’s new mine site lies

A similar incident happened in Iskut, British Columbia, where a group of Tahltan First Nation elders refused to allow Imperial Metals, a company guilty of Canada’s largest mining waste spill, to access the company’s mine site called Red Chris. The Aboriginal leaders protested for the obvious reason, the environment. They were afraid the habitat they lived in for years will be endangered by the redundant mine waste.

Mining companies should set standard tests to minimize the chances of waste spills. This will not only avoid further conflicts so that the company can operate regularly but also provide a bettered environment.






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