Chipotle, the New Fast Food Joint

Chipotle is the up-and-coming fast food joint in many countries now. Unlike other fast food chains, Chipotle aims to provide non traditional fast food and because of this unique aspect, it has been booming in the market. The Mexican grill chain’s sales have been multiplying; as a matter of fact, every quarter of Chipotle’s 2014 sales have topped the 2013 sales. The menu of Chipotle consists of 5 main items: burritos, fajitas, tacos, quesadillas and salads; each of them attracts countless customers.

I believe Chipotle’s huge success is strongly related to its correct value proposition. Chipotle’s value proposition might be something like this ” to the fast food customers, Chipotle is a fast food chain that provides an unique variety of exotic Mexican food”. None of the other fast food joints have such rare products and value proposition; if you think about it, most of the most famous fast food restaurants (eg. McDonalds, KFC and Burger King) sells the stereotypical fast food – burgers and fries. Finally, I came up with the conclusion that Chipotle will continue to thrive in the future because it provided people a new definition of fast food.

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