A good way to solve your debt payments problems!

With today’s high costs of life and increasing expense, there’s no wonder why so many people fail to make timely payments on their loans.Some people get into serious legal dispute.Struggling to pay off debts is so hard that people can destroy their lives easily.If you are overwhelmed by your financial situation and want to get back on track you should start to be serious with your debt.Slipping into a financial mess is quite easy, especially if you have to handle more than one loan. Being late on debt payments is constantly deteriorating your financial situation and before you know it your credit score will be disastrous. Having a bad credit score means that your chances of obtaining another loan will be very slim.So as a student, how can we have our financial record perfect?

There is a way called debt consolidation.Debt consolidation is a debt reduction process that allows you to combine your assorted unsecured debts such as credit cards debts into one payment. Instead of sending your credit card payment to 7 or 8 banks at different due schedule, you would make one payment to the debt consolidation company and that company will take care everything for you. It means you can compress the mess of information and  complicated details. I love this way! We need to make things simple.Thus we can stay efficient and powerful.

Private Bank

Private bank is to  manage the assets of rich people or high net worth individuals,which owned and operated for profit by a very powerful group of elite international bankers.

Nowadays ,Chinese private firms have rushed to apply to set up private banks, under government regulations designed to open up the much-hyped market. But the nascent sector still has a long way to go before better serving the real economy and facilitating financial reform.Over 20 listed private companies on China’s A share market have so far tried or showed interest in establishing private banks, causing related shares to surge for a string of days.( CHINA DAILY NEWS\)

With the rapid rise of Chinese economy, a rapidly growing number of rich people in China, and highly concentrated wealth,the development of private banks is rising urgently.It believes they can aid cash-strapped small businesses and mitigate financial risks.

The boom in Internet finance may well pave the way for private capital to enter the banking sector.However, private capital should stay alert to risks when entering the banking sector as bankruptcy may risk a spillover that could have an impact on the economy.

Excitement and volatility are nothing new to an emerging market. Private banks may have a chance to develop to a boom today; the emerging markets may not stay the way they are. Although emerging market economies such as China, India, Chile and Indonesia have solved the problem of backwardness; they are exploiting their labor advantage and growing much faster than the U.S. In practice, private investors must be able to handle risks.


Internet Advertising is Booming!!!!!

Spending on Internet advertising in Britain jumped by nearly a fifth in the first half of 2013 to 3 billion pounds ($4.85 billion), lifted by mobile video ads and marketing on social media by brands cashing in on signs of economic recovery.
Now,more than two thirds of Britons own smartphones, according to a report earlier this year by technology company MobiLens. I can see real potential here in the digital market. Digital marketing of McDonald, such as campaigns on the Internet and cellphones, now makes up between 8% and 10% of the company’s marketing budget, up from 2% four years ago.

So I am wondering that how can you start your Internet advertising career?

First of all, you really need to have some established traffic in order to draw interest from potential advertisers. That means you need to find some websites that are powerful in attracting people. For example you can put your advertisement on YouTube, Amazon or Skype.More competitive, more established and efficient.
Second,Social media is not a campaign, it’s a permanent approach.

Brands selling consumer goods such as clothing, food and jewellery became the biggest users of mobile advertising, almost doubling their share to 26.8 percent from 14.5 percent, the IAB said. IAB,Internet Advertising Bureau,is the department for promoting advertisement activities online. With the help of IAB, you can have more information of Internet advertising. So the cooperation is also a dominate factor.

What is Swap Currency?

China and Indonesia announced a 100 billion-yuan-rupiah currency swap on Wednesday October 2, to promote trade settlements in local currencies. As a business student, I want to learn about what is swap currency and how it works for both two countries. My research and analysis show that swap currency is considered to be a foreign exchange transaction. A swap involves the exchange of principle and interest in one currency for the same in another currency.

The swap arrangement signed back in 2009 was designed to stabilize Indonesia’s economy during the 2009 economic crisis and be extension sustain two-way trade and investment. So we can draw a conclusion that the swap currency can be used to against financial risk. As a matter of fact, the swap did indeed manage to move the Indonesian economy away from turbulence in 2009. And this time, China and Indonesia can make a constant and stable current cooperation between each other.

The need to renew the swap agreement caused by the latest US financial policy. The potential risks make other countries in the world feel under pressure. There is no doubt that swap currency is a efficient way to protect themselves. The two countries have also made remarkable progress in cooperation in such fields as science and technology, education, culture, people-to-people exchanges, defense, maritime affairs and aerospace.So international cooperation plays a significant role in this specific period.