Twitter wasn’t trying to grab every last dollar!

Twitter began trading  at $45.10 per share at 8th November  after pricing its IPO last night at $26 per share. Or, put another way, Twitter (TWTR) left more than $1.3 billion on the table. Or, put even another way, more than twice what the company will generate in revenue this year.It is too low for twitter in most people’s opinion, while, is this a good thing or not?

To be sure, Twitter wasn’t trying to grab every last dollar. They saw Facebook (FB) take that approach last year, and believed that it helped contribute to negative sentiment against the company, both among the investors and the employees.

Twitter itself obviously wanted a bit of price pop for PR and employee morale purposes, but here’s something else employees could be thinking about today: Had Twitter priced at lower price at share and used the extra proceeds to give out holiday bonuses, it would have worked out to a lot of money  per employee.

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