Hong Kong need to stop standing still!

“We cannot afford to stand still,” Cha said at Fortune Most Powerful Women Asia, an inaugural gathering of mostly Asia-based powerful women in business, politics, education and the arts. “Because other people are already moving ahead.”

Cha’s non-governmental advisory group is pulling recommendations for government leaders and regulators to consider. All the recommendations are as part of efforts to keep the financial situation on the run. We all know that Hong Kong “may have neglected” the development of certain areas such as the real estate market,especially the conflict between demand and supply. In the meeting, Cha said the advisory committee is encouraging the government to put resources into development of new growth areas. The real estate market is a mess and disordered. I believe the new growth parts can focus on culture industry and bank finance serving.
Cooperations are also important for Hong Kong. The opportunities are not only in China but also Indonesia and India, countries with “huge population growth, and good indications that their economies will go quite far. So I am sure that Hong Kong will still be one of the best developed cities in Asia.

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