Lets Work Together

  •  For years government has tried to control first nation people, they tried to kill the indian in the  their children, which they  made an apology later. But now everyone is starting to realize that fighting and arguing is not the answer and trying to work better together and respect each other has benefits for both group. It is obvious that every act has its own draw back; even for aboriginals which have to give up their protections, such as tax exemptions in services, but the benefits overweight disadvantages.
  •  Cooperating with aboriginals brings lots of privileges such as having access to capital and resources moreover it is a great opportunity for sharing knowledge and foremost it build a relationship for the future. Moreover, first nation people have some issues in their businesses such as lack of credibility and business sense and also lack of financial capital which can be improve by this cooperation, beside because of all job creation there would be less unemployment and poverty.
  •   NK’Mip Cellars is a good example of unique resources that first nation people have. NK’Mip Cellars is a new industry that first aboriginal american owned. This successful  industry has received more than 50 international award since 2002. The most important reason that they have received so many awards is because they have the oldest vines in the regions(resources ). Second of all, they have a unique site that has create a tourism business that bring them $40 million every year. To conclude, by sharing things both aboriginals and non-aboriginals have to offer we can have a thriving business.
  • for more read: this and this

Finding a parking spot

Now a days finding a parking spot in big cities has become a nightmare, circling, narrowly missing a spot and finally when you find a space observing that is off limit during working hours. Beside all that 30percent of traffic in big cities are caused by people circling around looking for a parking spot. So it was expected that some people and companies would come up with solutions in order to over come this problem and make some money out of it.

There is new smart phone app which let people to earn money just by waiting couple of minutes in their spot before leaving until someone that has paid can pull in and of course there is a commission for the company to. But is this really an ethical business? Selling public property and making money with selling something that clearly isn’t yours. Further more if this really take action we are going to have some people making money just by changing and selling their parking spot and increasing traffic. Moreover, not everybody will use this app and that would really be another problem and even if everyone use this app is it really safe for drivers to use this app while driving? In my point of view best solution right now would be to increase the price of parking space, this way people will move their car more often and they might use public transportation when they can.

for article:click here


Once upon a time, there was a little girl who were attracted with any pink coloured toys, that girl is now a grownup. For years toy makers company focused on pink products for girls that represent beauty but now girls are inspired by female heroes and warriors the one that are successful while beautiful like Katniss and etc. As we talked about in class when the customers change their interest toy industry should catch-up and produce products that customers want.

For years Lego was struggling with wether they should be gender neutral or not. The company finally launched it’s first product line aimed at girls. The company made interesting toys for boys and non-successful mostly pink toys for girls. As it can be estimated Lego were more popular between boys in fact in 2012 Lego’s customers were 91percent male.

Finally last month Lego introduced a line called the Research Institute aimed at girls. This line is offering women in professional setting not just partying. Moreover barbies are way more girly so maybe its better to focus on girls who are looking for something different and offer them something different(class prep7).

So why didn’t Lego one of the best toy makers company in the world didn’t came up with this line and satisfy female costumers sooner? I guess it is because most of the leaders in company are male and you can’t expect gender balance in costumers if your team isn’t gender balance.

read more: here and here