See the building before it is structured

If United Nations was fully funded we would still need social enterprise because charity or donation would not really solve the poverty. Maybe it would solve poverty for a short time but it is definitely not the answer to overturn it. As long as there is unemployment and lack of knowledge there would be poverty around the world. But what social entrepreneurs do is unlike other people. they believe first and then they will see. They give something far more valuable than money; they teach uneducated society how to be productive. They are creating shared values. They are creating jobs in undeveloped countries and decreasing poverty.

In this article, we can see how people in undeveloped societies can improve their lives with education. How social entrepreneur changes people lives not by donating charity but with sharing skills and developing job.

I believe UBS’s Arc Initiative is great opportunities for students to help people in impoverished countries. There are many countries that can benefits from this program and also there are so many students in best universities around the world that are looking for an opportunity to make the world a better place for living.

Response to Diao Ziqi’s post on falling trend in profit

It is interesting that for my first blog it was so hard for me to find an article that is about business ethics and I always though ethics are not really relevant to business; however, now I can not find news or business article that does not contain business ethics. I can see that we have all the concepts that we learned in class in all articles.

As Diao mentioned in his blog McDonald has been suffering a decline in his profit after scandal over meat supply in China. I agree with Diao, and I think they should let people visit their company or they can even record it themselves, because not everyone can go. Moreover, most importantly they should cut all ties with the supplier, because now they are just switching from OSI’s Shanghai Husi Food Co. plant, to an OSI-owned plant, Henan Husi, which really won’t earn customers trust back. Also to improve brand image and customer relationship they should apologize to their customers and assure the customers that they have taken that meat off the shelves.

I also strongly agree with Diao and I believe people are paying more attention to healthy eating, so I think that Coca Cola should have some strategy to respond to customers need. read more click here


Response to Shannon Bell’s post on Ben and Jerry’s non-GMO ingredients for ice cream

Ben and Jerry’s is more than just an ice cream with incredible taste; it is a brand known for it’s non-GMO ingredients. Most developed countries do not consider GMOs to be safe; however it is not obligatory to label a non-GMO product although it is important to most customers.

As mentioned in Shannon’s blog Ben and Jerry’s is supporting the non-GMO movement and there is a label on all of their ice cream and more importantly their website focuses more on informing customers about this uniqueness they have rather than advertising their unique flavour. They try really hard to make people aware about their value and the way they operate and in this way they are both benefiting the world and themselves.

They are benefiting the world by informing customers about their rights and benefits of non-GMOs, so in this way people will stop buying GMOs so companies will stop using them and formers will stop growing them so we can consider this an ethical manoeuvre.

On the other hand, they are making a great brand image for themselves along with a better customer relationship.


Facebook for clothing

Have you ever thought about what is missing in our social networking?

Have you ever spent lots of time on online shopping and buying clothes and shoes online but after waiting for a week or in some case a month end up with clothing that does not even fit you and then you had to return it? The story doesn’t end here; about thirty percent of clothes sold on the Web go back to retailers.  Germany’s Zalando, announces about half of the items it sells are returned. Christian Wylonis aims to fix this problem with Fitbay. What Fitbay basically does is to ask you about your body measurements and asks for a selfie with one of your clothes and then it will tell you whether this dress will fit you or not.

What Fitbay is aiming to do is not something new. New York fashion technology company Clothes Horse, London’s, Virtusize in Stockholm and EBay are doing something similar but in a different way.

   But is it really going to work or will people will be bored with putting their size and consider this as extra work, which is unnecessary? Nearly 100,000 users have signed up since February on Fitbay, so I’m guessing when it comes to shopping, people will spend as much time as it is necessary to get what they want.

read more click here

Thoughts on Lou Adler’s blog article on compensation and performance

Usually people seek jobs with higher compensation; however, in this blog Lou Adler explains why it is actually a good thing to be underpaid. Looking for jobs with most upside potential rather than most paid brings more for you in the long run. In fact, I agree with Lou Adler and I believe you should not accept a job with high income if you do not like it, because a career maximization strategy will always end up with maximum income.

He also points out some reasons regarding why it is better not to be overpaid. For example, people will expect more from you or you will never have a honeymoon period and it’s less likely for you to be promoted. Overall, he emphasizes how it is beneficial to be slightly underpaid. But in my opinion being an underpaid employee is not fair for you or other people in your field, because you might first face more offers but what if everyone follows and asks for less income?

He also mentions,”Compensation growth must follow performance, not lead it.” which I strongly agree with because compensation could never really lead performance.