Facebook for clothing

Have you ever thought about what is missing in our social networking?

Have you ever spent lots of time on online shopping and buying clothes and shoes online but after waiting for a week or in some case a month end up with clothing that does not even fit you and then you had to return it? The story doesn’t end here; about thirty percent of clothes sold on the Web go back to retailers.  Germany’s Zalando, announces about half of the items it sells are returned. Christian Wylonis aims to fix this problem with Fitbay. What Fitbay basically does is to ask you about your body measurements and asks for a selfie with one of your clothes and then it will tell you whether this dress will fit you or not.

What Fitbay is aiming to do is not something new. New York fashion technology company Clothes Horse, London’s fit.me, Virtusize in Stockholm and EBay are doing something similar but in a different way.

   But is it really going to work or will people will be bored with putting their size and consider this as extra work, which is unnecessary? Nearly 100,000 users have signed up since February on Fitbay, so I’m guessing when it comes to shopping, people will spend as much time as it is necessary to get what they want.

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