Response to Shannon Bell’s post on Ben and Jerry’s non-GMO ingredients for ice cream

Ben and Jerry’s is more than just an ice cream with incredible taste; it is a brand known for it’s non-GMO ingredients. Most developed countries do not consider GMOs to be safe; however it is not obligatory to label a non-GMO product although it is important to most customers.

As mentioned in Shannon’s blog Ben and Jerry’s is supporting the non-GMO movement and there is a label on all of their ice cream and more importantly their website focuses more on informing customers about this uniqueness they have rather than advertising their unique flavour. They try really hard to make people aware about their value and the way they operate and in this way they are both benefiting the world and themselves.

They are benefiting the world by informing customers about their rights and benefits of non-GMOs, so in this way people will stop buying GMOs so companies will stop using them and formers will stop growing them so we can consider this an ethical manoeuvre.

On the other hand, they are making a great brand image for themselves along with a better customer relationship.


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