Brain Pathology and Welfare


Blackboard with the chemical formula of dopamine

Dopamine (DA) levels in the brain correlate with the observation of stereotypical behaviors(Creese and Iversen, 1973).  The  regions in the brain that are responsible for exploratory behaviors are activated when DA is released, meaning that there is a link between exploratory behaviors and DA (Sharp et al., 1987). If animal is more motivated than usual to explore its environment, it means that the animal is most likely confined and is prevented from performing its innate behavior converting exploration behaviors to stereotypical ones (Sharp et al., 1987).

The basal ganglia, picture below, is the part of the brain that mediates movements (Sharp et al., 1987). If it is not functioning properly, then there is a risk of uncontrolled movements that can be qualified as stereotypical (Sharp et al., 1987).

Picture of a mammalian brain and the basal ganglia.
PC: Reither and Walsh


Relation to welfare:

Concerns of animal welfare can be raised when the trauma or malfunction of the basal ganglia is due to  the mistreatment of the animal.