The team project played an very important role in this marketing course. It contains the current situation of the company, segmentation, targeting, positioning and the future plan of the company. By analyzing the CDSTP, SWOT and STEP, we implemented the fundamental theory of marketing into the real-world successful company. This project, especially the video making part, not only deepened my of marketing concepts and theories, but also brought much fun during the study process.
The company we chose is Air Canada. Before actually completing the assignment, making a video sounds a mirage to us because none of us have filmed before and we knew nothing about editing the video. Instead of worrying and complaining, we made a practical plan with the limited resources we have.
To make the video more vivid, we went to the YVR airport to film the actual scenes. We filmed the departure gates of Air Canada as well as its competitors. The group is made up of five Chinese girls, each of us speaks mandarin as our mother tongue and most of us are from the same faculty. Thus we got to know each other very quickly. Our group is also very productive and efficient. We splitted the task quickly and all of us are very responsible. Instead of having one person take all the responsibility of editing the video, we divided the group and video into two and edited at the same time. Through the working process, we learned to use Final Cut to edit our video and tried to face the unfamiliar task with confidence. I learned the advantage of teamwork from this team assignment and the great importance of cooperation. I am still proud of accomplishing this team assignment and feel lucky of having my great teammates!