Disappointing Differences

Apple has released the long awaited iPhone 5. The phone, which spurred thousands across North America to form queues outside Apple Outlets, has shown incremental changes over the previous 4s. To compare Apple with its competitors, one may turn to Samsung, who has jammed their foot in the smartphone market with their new, snazzier, Galaxy S3. The competition for Apple can also be quantified over the past two years by the 42% increase in the smartphone sales for the Android operating system when compared to the 16% increase for Apple. Apples phone’s are responsible for approximately half of their revenue and is worth protecting. Its quite apparent that if Apple were to hope to stay a leader in the market, their product line must improve at a rate at least par with that of its competitors; the iPhone 5 has fallen short of doing so. I’m interested to see how Apple’s popularity weather this storm.

the latest and greatest?

web references: http://www.economist.com/node/21562939




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