Angry Birds: A Long Shot

Rovio, the owner of the Angry Birds brand, hopes to “become an entertainment brand on par with Disney” (Rosendahl). The brand has endeavoured to do so by expanding into Angry Bird merchandise and other entertainment facets. The chief executive stated that “faster growth” was the primary reason to downsize. Due to their success despite the lower than expected profits last year, Angry Birds has no reason to downsize to cut costs, the typical reason for downsizing; therefore they hope to do restructuring changes and encourage new investors (Lewis). However, the brand’s dream to be a competitor with Disney is very optimistic. Disney has had a long history in entertainment and has revolutionized color animated films with its early works, effectively becoming one of the pioneers in films and entertainment and positioning themselves as the leader in the consumer’s perspective. According to Ries and Trout, it is very difficult to overthrow the first brand in a market (“Positioning”). Disney also controls a mass media empire, whereas Angry Birds is based on only one mobile game. Angry Birds should not expand beyond the realm of mobile games. Instead, the company should seek to produce different mobile platform games and associate them with the Angry Birds brand. The company should move in the direction of monopolizing the mobile gaming industry.


Works Cited

Lewis, Jared.  “Causes of Employee Downsizing.”  Chron.  Hearst Newspapers, LLC, n.d.  Web.  20 Oct.

2014.  <


“Positioning.”  QuickMBA.  Internet Centre for Management and Business Administration, Inc., n.d.

Web.  20 Oct. 2014.  <>.

Rosendahl, Jussi.  “Angry Birds Maker Rovio To Cut Up to 130 Jobs.”  Reuters.  Thomson Reuters, 2 Oct.

2014.  Web.  20. Oct 2014.  <


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